Stephen Lintott's wall of shame |
Sterfontein (2012) | ||
At the start of 2012, a very bad year for me, I admitted myself to Sterkfontein as I went thought a very bad time in both my personal and professional life. This would be the last time I would trust the people there. While there I met a Paranoid Schizophrenic, Tammie. Even though most people are scared of people with schizophrenia. I find there take on life very interesting. I'm not a doctor but it would seem that they have a couple of things in common. It's as if they experience emotion more intensely. Some can function in the outside world and lead a normal life and some just can't and need constant supervision. Personally I don't think they are more violent than other people I think they can be more honest about what they went though if violence occurs. Lets face it all murders and assaults aren't committed by them and not all of them are violent. |
Anyway getting back to Tammie. He wasn't that functional. A very paranoid person, always scared of being killed by gangs. In hospital he always told us that he liked it there because he felt safe. He did a couple of other things that irritated some people but he wasn't violent just always busy, sometimes aggressive but never violent. One night he drank water in a way one of the nurses didn't like. The nurse said he was spitting in the water, grabbed him, slammed him up against the wall and kicked his feet from under him causing him to fall on a concrete floor. |
Complaints were launched by me on this matter but as far as I know nothing was done about it. The complaints were given to the doctor of the ward. Dr. Brummenhof. It occurred to me that just replacing the bucket of water would have been a tad more humane. But I suppose not all people see it that way. |
Sterfontein (2010) | ||
I've been thinking of school friends lately. It occurred to me that they remember someone that hasn't existed for more than a decade. Not since he lost a friend next to a road close to school... For years after that I didn't even go to that area. The reason I'm thinking of this is the reaction I got from my best friend at school when I told him what goes down in mental hospitals. Believe me its sad when you realize why some of the people there ,are there. Anyway we were talking and he, awhile back was very close to the church He told that he wasn't sure anymore and I told him that, all things being equal he had less worries than me. He asked me why and I told him this story... |
I was in an acute ward in hospital and they brought this guy in... He was aggressive and well... By this time I had seen pretty much everything the place had to offer and wasn't to bothered by him that was until he stole an old man's, who I knew, tobacco. The old man was very upset and I told the new guy to give back what he took. He started telling me that I had demons in me and that he sometimes could be possessed by Jesus Christ... He said I shouldn’t worry and he started something that seemed like a seance. I watched him for about 5 minutes or so and when he asked me if I was feeling better, I told him that Jesus didn't give him all the information. I was Lucifer her on earth and I was a demon he can't drive me out or anything like that it would never work. |
Anyway the guy got more aggressive. And the old man never got his tobacco back. I think my friend thought this was a made up story but this really happened. |
Dr. Marsay / Dr. Liebenberg | ||
This story played out at the end of 2010. I was in hospital and was being treated by a somewhat naive very charming lady, Dr. Marsay. Back then Dr. still claimed that I was delusional about hacking on corporate networks so the day I got admitted I brought with a printed email to crimestop with files visible on this site as proof that they were not to clued up on how things work in the corporate world. The first or second time I saw her Dr. Marsay, with all her charm rubbed me the wrong way by making the statement. "IT has nothing to do with this." Combine this with all the assaults that happen in that place on a daily basis and a very explosive situation arose. I walked out on her after the statement and she felt me to be psychotic. She prescribed drugs for this and the barbarians at Sterkfontein make sure that I took it... |
I kept my cool, never getting aggressive, even when threatened physically, right before Dr. Marsay went on maternity leave, there was another doctor who saw me. Dr. Liebenberg... He asked me all about what had happened. Whether or not I had problems with any of the staff, how I felt about Dr. Marsay and all sorts of questions like that... After being moved around a couple of times in hospital, this Dr. Liebenberg told me that Dr. Marsay had treated me inhumanly... I found this quite laughable as I have had dates where females have treated me worse than she did. What also bothered me about this situation was that even though Dr. Lienbenberg sounded caring in his presentation of ideas to me he never once took the time to take a look at what I was thinking or doing. Rather he would preach to me and tell me what I was supposed to think. He and Dr. Brummerhof had one thing in common. They were very opinionated about me and people who had dealt with me to that point, but never once did they get the information to make scientific calls based on evidence. |
For the above stated reason I don't trust either one of them as Dr. Marsay's words were one of the factors considered in me creating Medisis |
Painted Black | ||
Having spent time in mental hospitals, varsity and the corporate world, I suppose one could say, I have seen extremes of all kinds. Personally, I don't really see a difference between some students actions and corporate people. The funny thing is and what most people don't realise is, I don't really see a difference between Psychiatrists actions in mental hospitals and there patients either. Take this situation I had well have with a Psychiatrist. In 2011 I found myself in Sterkfontein, now whether I should have been there or not is still strongly up for debate as the same evidence around hacking events in MTN is the reason I ended up there. See if you actually dare report criminal behaviour in a corporate company, the police put you in a mental hospital as I suppose it's bad for the country and the economy. I mean really... How many corporates are caught up in scandal and why is that? The same people who cheat on there spouses work at those companies... Anyway, Ralf as I tauntingly call him, was in charge of treating me at a point in 2011. Mental hospitals are not corporate companies but believe me all sorts of entertaining hair raising things happen there as well if you take human rights seriously. Psychiatrists don't really seem to take note of these things. Golden rule of thumb, if you ever unlucky enough to end up in one of these places, no matter what they tell you or what you read on the posters there... Don't think you'll be treated as a human. Your lower than that... Back then before I met Ralf, I tried to take a stand against nurses assaulting patients. That didn't work out to well... So basically after I went on a hunger strike because of patients being assaulted, I was told this was part of my psychosis and given a ton of mind altering drugs. This was done by injection under duress as I basically told them that until the assault issue was addressed I didn't care for there ideas... After a stalemate on this situation I was transferred to Ralf, After about six weeks of ignoring me he took it on himself to fill in an official government form, where he stated that my ideas are both dangerous to myself and others. At that point I was a tad upset maybe because history has shown us that when it comes to mistreating people, well that never ends well... I suppose he wasn't willing to retract his statements and I wasn't willing to sign off on them so I ended up on the streets in the winter of 2011. This after I created Medisis in front of him and launched two web sites. He never looked at any of the three. In September 2013 I logged a complaint against Dr. Ralf Brummerhof. The complaint was simple. When I was under his care he informed me that he lied on an official SASSA form to make sure I get money from the government, he stated this to me after I informed people in the hospital that I could not accept money as everything Ralf wrote on the form was fabricated... |
On the 11th of December 2014 I mailed info@hpcsa with a complaint stating the above. This mail was forwarded to their legal department on the 17th December. As December are holidays and nothing really happens in that time I didn't make a very big fuss on not hearing from them. I followed up with the HPCSA in January and they had me re-log the complain as separate issues on formal forms... This wasn't a issue, but it is worth noting that the original mail, dated 11 December was forgotten by them... Anyway after re-logging separate issues against all Psychiatrists who treated me pre and post Ralf Brummerhof, the HPCSA informed me that if I didn't know the initials of a doctor who treated me, there is noting to be done. Even though I can give them a time frame and location of the Psychiatrist. Now at first, I didn't mind this to much, I mean there is something to say for complete information... But thinking about it afterward, no doctor in a hospital introduces him or herself on a first name basis. So I think there may be a problem in the system... Continuing the story, Ralf Brummerhof supplied quite a few Psychiatrists with complete names and there complaints were accepted. Also, I knew one or two other Psychiatrists names... Unfortunately I suspect, I'll have to do some leg work for the others... The mail sent to me as acknowledgement stated that as soon as the complaint is opened and in the process of being addressed, Someone from the HPCSA will contact me with a second letter of acknowledgement. To date a month has gone by and of the seven complaints accepted, I received one of these letters... The last time I enquired about this, I received a blank mail from a Ms. Kwele. That was blank. I find this highly frustrating and very unprofessional as the question has to be asked... Has there been no movement on six complaints for a month? The people who are complained about in this situation, play God with countless lives and there is strong evidence that points to unprofessional behaviour in this case... How can nothing have happened and these Psychiatrists been given an extra month of time? |
Update It is 18 months later and I have been given the run around by the HPCSA. The original complaints were forgotten by them and when I followed up wanting to know the status of the accepted complaints in January, I was told that my complaint was about Ralf Brummerhoff and not the doctors the complaints related to. Note some of the communication in the zip file relating to this. here Does this relate back to my graduation? Because of the implications, I have decided not to post my graduation photo, yet!!! What I will state is back in the day, both at University Johannesburg and Die Randse Afrikaanse Universiteid (UJ before the merger with Wits tech). Old House committee members from the house Kanniedood, were known as Psycho... |
Serenade 2003 | ||
As with any proper varsity RAU use to have an internal serenade contest where all the houses on campus competed for the honor of best serenade group. As always there is a lot of politics involved, there is a underdog and the group most lightly to win. In 2003 a fried and I coordinated Kanniedood's serenade group. At that point a program similar to napster but with some changes for legal reasons was very popular on RAU. I used both the internet and Kazaa, the program mentioned, to do research on who was doing what in a'capella music around the world and some of the stuff found was very popular in Kanniedoood. |
In the years leading up to then Dromedaris who had won in previous years were doing Karma Chameleon, the Boy George song and a group in America, Cornell University's Cayuga Waiters were doing the same. Exactly what the intellectual property implication of this is, I don't know but Cayuga Waiters also did a traditional African song so I wasn't to worried about it. We were working closely with Thomas that year and he came up with a a'capella version of what's new pussycat, I suspect because he knew about this Cayuga Waiters / Dromedaris gray area. |
Anyway we ended up getting second place in the internal contest and Dromedaris went through to nationals where they won and to this day I still don't know how that happened. For the African song click here For the Boy George one click here |
Side effects | ||
A lot of people today speak of side effects. Software did something unexpected as a side effect of a faulty component or a girlfriend dumped her boyfriend as a side effect of miscommunication. In my experience all these are valid, there is however some situations where the side effects are worse and a lot of the time nothing is done. Given conditions in S.A. Quite a few things can be said about the government and service delivery. I mean internationally people have heard about Marikana and how the S.A. Police force slaughtered miners there in 2012. Once a month you hear about riots that where caused by lack of delivery and of course a couple of years ago medical doctors went on strike for reasons of money in this country of ours. All these can be considered side effects of a broken system. |
The only place things seem to function in S.A. Is in the private sector and there too are problems. Now as fate would have it, I find myself on a strong Psychiatric drug. Personally I find that it keeps me calmer than I normally am. I can't really say that it influences my thoughts in any way but it does temper my emotions. Before I continue I'd just like to point out that I've never been violent towards anyone and my diagnosis as such was due to misinformation on the side of a company called Datasolve supplying only parts of truth to better there footing in a situation. This is common practice in corporate companies and is one of the evils all of us face in trying to provide for our selfs and our loved ones. When dealing with Psychiatry you quickly realise that it is not quite the science depicted on CSI where quantitive evidence is looked at and conclusions are drawn. In the U.S. Today there is a movement called Psychiatric survivors movement that takes a stance against what some Psychiatrists do. I myself have dealt with Psychiatrists that thing they are above the law overlook certain basic human rights in there treatment. In the same breath I'd like to point out that I've seen patients do exactly that towards doctors and that the situation isn't as easy as one would hope. |
Of course these drugs given by these doctors don't always help with the perception of these doctors. Believe me if your skin burns like fire for two or three weeks, if you start feeling like a extra on the set of world war z, or maybe you arm or leg starts spasming on it's own, yes these side effects taint your view on what it is that these people are trying to accomplish and you start realizing why it is that some people call themselves survivors. Either way it doesn't really make a difference because all the normal people you know look at you differently. They have a firm believe that these drugs are good for you and sometimes have interventions in illegal fashions to keep you on them. This is the plight of a lot of people around the world and in my opinion it fuels anger in patients not so much because of the suffering but because the first thing a Psychiatrist says to your family and friends when they see you again is that you went of your medication because of the illness. No compassion or understanding for the most part. I suppose it's like all other aspects in life, there is always an agenda. What exactly it is I don't know but I can't believe that doctors can be this stupid. |
MTN (29/08/2011) |
Cell phones, cell phones, cell phones... In the past four days I have heard 4 different values that I owe MTN. I have received letters stating values that I never agreed to. I have no idea how that company is so successful. What inspired me to write this entry was the last straw that broke the camels back. Today I requested a billing statement to see what I owe the company. After receiving it I saw that they were charging me but not stating for what. Don't get me wrong I don't mind paying for a service I used. It just irritates the hell out of me when a service provider can't show what was delivered. |
Now I suppose I could get paranoid and wonder about everything that happened there last year but this is more a situation of incompetence in my opinion. The question in my mind is how can they send out a bill with numbers plucked from the sky and expect a client to take them seriously. If anyone has had a similar experience with them. Please pop me a mail as this situation is out of control in my opinion. I 'll let you know what happened. |
Update (29/08/2011)After trying in vain to get information from MTN call center personnel... MTN uped the bill by R700-00 and they still can't give me a breakdown of service. I don't know everything but considering that EAI works on there critical billing system. I don't trust these guys anymore Update (29/08/2011)Below are the statements and other communication I received from MTN. Have a look guys nothing correlates. I have no idea what I owe them. When I phone 808 for the voice service to find out what I owe. It gives me yet another different number. Watch out for corporates they always step on the little guy and people are to afraid to question. |
The MTN active site on my account on 29/08/2011 Click here for itemised billing statement for 29/08/2011 and notice the different numbers between the totals on the MTN active site and the itemised billing site. Also notice that the total isn't the sum of the specified values... Watch this space still scanning stuff they sent me on 08/08/2011. The thirty days overdue values on that documentation and what is on MTN active differs as well. Above is page 1 of a communication I received from MTN yet the numbers they gave me on it were incorrect. If the recorded call is ever played back there is no mention of the monies shown here. Page two below shows the amount payable on the 08/08/2011 and that was discussed with me. The other amount never mentioned. |
Deloitte (27/08/2011) |
On the 24th I was contacted by Deloitte for work opportunities. I was shocked as big companies don't really do this sort of thing. Normally you work through these horrid recruitment agencies. Anyway I gave them the information they requested. They asked me about rates and so on and so forth and I started wondering. See All y’all know about Lindsay and the proposal and the whole sad story. What you don't know is that she became a CA at Deloitte. So what I did last night was I googled her name and Deloitte to see if anything pops out... This is what I found. Now I personally think she was acting in this movie, which in my opinion is a tad closer to propaganda than art. One thing is for sure. It going to be interesting |
Update (29/08/2011)I checked up on the person who contacted me Mr. Masuku and found his LinkedIn profile. He seems to be an Analyst. I'm still not sure how he recruits people for RMB, he says RMB is a client of Deloitte. Pretty interesting stuff. If you want to have a look at his profile... click here. I might be wrong given that I have no idea what a SLR analyst does but the question always was why would a company like Deloitte do recruitment, for what reason... I'll keep you guys updated on what happens with Deloitte. |
Update (11/05/2012)Anyway, said I'd keep all up to date on Deloitte's so here goes... I started the contract on 9/9 of last year and soon realized that I was right about the propaganda part of the story anyway... the whole thing began when I was placed at RMB... In the risk and compliance section. The director of the section Craig or as I knew him at varsity "Potato head" I believe was responsible for treating me with loosing my contract. There is a bit of history there as he was first year in 2001 when I was HK at RAU. Anyway at varsity he was a very quite person, never really participated in anything... That changed. After the architect Mr. Eloff of risk and compliance couldn't frustrate me by letting me do work other than java programming which my contract stated. Craig and a couple of his director buddies decided to openly threaten a girl in the office, I believe this was done to try and provoke a reaction out of me as I was trying to court her... After this girl publicly broke out in tears in the office. I was told that my contract was to ended... Before this happened there was the suspect monitoring of computers. It's true RMB has a policy on monitoring but I don't see 25+ people monitoring one contractor. Deloittes wanted to give me a seven day notice period right after this. When I didn't sign and tried to make sure that my anger about this event wasn't misunderstood I got threatened by there security guard a Mr. Wynand Pretorius. Somehow he got my 3g connection number and sent me smses over it... So much for right to privacy on top of that Deloittes asked me not to contact RMB which I ad heard to and up to date they haven't paid monies owed to me. This after Mr. Pretorius contacted my family and pithed up at my flat... In this time I found out that a girl I knew from varsity committed suicide and I booked myself into hospital. I got some happy pills and am back on my feet... I've got the screen shots and log files mentioned above... For the logs from RMB click here and of course the privacy issue below |
SITA / ICT-Works / Deloitte (26/06/2012) | |||
Hi all... I think this worth a read... I've been at SITA, placed there by a company called ICT-works... This company is all about black empowerment. Personally nothing against that. I think it's quite cool. What I'm not to fond about is that these guys wasted a month of my time And they didn't pay me when they were supposed to so... They got a contract from the government about five years ago to sort of computerize government processes. I set up a little test. I did this because I found out that ICT-Works and Deloittes had a partnership and that they were sending communications around about me. Also my contract with Deloittes states that 15% of my pay would be deducted and given back to me if I don't take leave. This never happened. See below. Given all the weird things that happen there. I didn't tell them about the Deloitte's dilemma until payday. It takes two days to transfer monies between banks and I should have received my money if they were going to pay me. As well, all weirdness was reported to management and nothing was done about it so... The funny thing here, is that my contract states that I should be payed on the 25th... It would seem that that didn't happen. As we all know... This complicates stuff. Given that I have proprietary information that belongs to them. Of course there are log files again. The application is a bit big. So not going to put that up but I have all these log files from a firewall ufw (Ubuntu Fire Wall) that I configured in SITA... And we all know what happens. this is here. Of course we have Deloitte's and last year with RMB and Berniece And now Deloitte's have a partnership with ICT-Works... |
Update (04/09/2012)Above I stated that Deloitte's was a partner of ICT-Works. I noticed today that certain pic's on the Deloitte's story went missing of the site. It wasn't me but the server password and the password used on the laptop at SITA were the same. I can't prove that someone stole the password there but I am thinking it. The SITA log files stayed up though so I can't be sure. It is very interesting though. Something happened there though. |
Update (10/09/2012)While in hospital I was contacted by Jo-Marie Momberg a lawyer representing ICT-Works. ICT-Works misinformed her on what happened two months ago On various issues including monies payed and property that was sold because of it. I stated to her that I was willing to replace a laptop and would give back / destroy my copy of the software I have of them but would like to keep the log files above so that this issue can be addressed by the law as it keeps normal people from doing there work. I cc'ed ICT-Works on this and someone from there contacted the doctor in hospital and told them that I threatened people. Below is the email concerned. Given the personal story on ethics and the fact that, that Dr. was to my knowledge contacted. I don't know if I personally believe it. |
Home invasion (15 September 2017) | |||
I've been in the industry for quite some time now, but even this is a first for me... A couple of months ago, my data usage at home started to ski rocket. At one point it was like two Gigabytes in 2 days and I had no idea why. For a while I thought cell c was stuffing me around. Then one night while setting up a new router, I realised that my network settings were way off... At this point I sand boxed my mac and started analising network activity. The first thing I found was that my mac was making more connections than Paris Hilton did in her hey day. It was so bad that after a week of blocking specific IP's on http, I just blocked http all together. and only allow a router connection on that protocol. Everything else was pretty much blocked or massively restricted, Except for https. In terms of https I basically added IP's that shouldn't connect to a blocked list. For the Packet filter config file, see here |
In doing all this I realised that there were massive gaps in API's used in the industry. I believe the whole range of AWS is blocked because of this. Also, it seems that at one point, companies like Cloudflare were connecting to my machine. This I find very interesting as the main goal of this company is to block hacking attacks and / or stop cyber threats. The fact that Cloudflare was doing that does tell me the log files from packet filter logging spoofing attacks found here contains evidence of malicious criminal activity. At this point I should stress that I'm not the one doing this... |
As for https connections, the list of blocked IP's including Cloudflare can be found here |
Alchimea | |||
I started working at Alchimea in 2013... Back then it was known as Go Travel Technologies and was a great company to work for. Most of the time spent there I was involved in the technical aspects of a distrubuted system and was personally responsible for developing real cutting edge ideas, not limited to but including, a code hot swapping mechanism similar in some regards to OSGI technology but light weight and bounded to spring. Also, a custom loading component of spring services into a tomcat container with a database configuration for the services... I did some work with restful calls to the Mimecast API, and worked on a Rule Engine, once again a light weight answer to the Drools system. I also built a workflow engine... For four years, things were great in my life... I enjoyed my work, and had a lot of success doing it... |
In my fifth year at Alchimea, I was asked to get involved in a back end integration system for a finance solution required by there biggest client. I started work on this and the main development took about 4 to five months... Right before my fifth year anaversary at the company I was asked to investigate why, certain financial invoice files were not being imported into the system and ended up in an error state, on the system I just developed. I did the investigation and found that there were duplicate invoice numbers in the system, now due to rules around finances, my code did not allow this. After reporting this to management, including the CTO, Costa Sofianos, and CEO, Anita Parent, all hell broke loose within two or three months and eventually I left the company of own free will. See here for mail sent to management |
After the fact I heard from an accountant that duplicate invoices are used to hide money from auditors who would only be looking for one invoice number at any given time. Just goes to show as much as you think you know people you never really do... I left the company in July of 2018, two months after the five year anniversary |
Disclaimer |
None of the stories on this page are meant to discredit companies involved. Rather they are meant to point out a problem in the industry where a select few people are involved |